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Jess Zoe Andrews
Soul Coach
Embodiment | Emotional Alchemy | Soul | Intimacy | Purpose


Come home to your fullness, wholeness & power.

Embody your authentic truth & cultivate a life that is intimate, rich and nourishing.

Welcome to a world full of love and possibility.


Journeying together

I am here to support you to move towards and open to your greatest potential and to hold you in deep love and compassion along the way. I have had the honour of journeying with many women inspiring and leading them towards liberation and a soul + body led life. Here is what unfolds in my spaces:


- Deepened intuition & self trust

- Finding deep safety in life from within

- Healing inner child wounds & soul fragments

- Improved communication skills and authentic, body deep expression

- Realising and embodying who they truly are

- Maturing of inner feminine & masculine energies

- Relationship healing & deeper intimacy in romantic union and sisterhood

- New beliefs and perspectives to lead to better outcomes

- Alchemising trauma, pain and finding meaning in their life journey

- Physical healing, unlocking feminine power, self-love, self-confidence, purpose

and so much more.

My support is loving and truthful and allows women to move towards their truth in a way that feels activating, safe and held. My vision for my community is a collective of women in their full blown aliveness - creating, experiencing and leading from this place. For them to be experiencing freedom and intimacy with life and changing their world and our collective world around them.

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